Spectroscopy is a branch of optics, studying the generation of spectrum of various substances and its interaction with materials. Spectroscopy technology is not only a scientific tool, it also provides an important method of qualitative and quantitative analysis in the chemical analysis. Spectroscopy technology works by measuring the light intensity of ultraviolet, visible, near infrared and infrared wavelengths, is widely used in scientific research, teaching, industrial and many other fields. we offers laser, spectrometer, software analysis and other products, also provides customized products according to customers’ demands.
Fiber Optic Spectrometer: It can be used to measure wavelength and line width of laser, LED and common light source, can accurately obtain the spectral characteristics of the light source which is being tested.
Raman spectrometer analysis: It provides fingerprint spectrum for the substance characterization and identification. Applications: Jewelry appraisal, forensic appraisal, hazardous material detection, etc.
Fluorescence Spectrometer With high sensitivity, strong selectivity, micro samples and simple operation, it is applied to crystal, rare earth elements and other fluorescence spectrum detection
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