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  • Traffic control

On of important application of Near infrared imaging sensor Active and passive near infrared sensors(750- 900 nm) in addition to surveillance are manufactured for traffic flow monitoring applications. Active infrared sensors illuminate detection zones with low power infrared energy transmitted by laser diodes operating in the near infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum. A portion of the transmitted energy is reflected or scattered by vehicles back towards the sensor. The diodes operated in the near infrared spectrum at 880 nanometers (nm). The signal modulation prevented interference from other sources of infrared energy, including sunlight. Two transmitter-receiver systems measured the vehicle speed and one measured the vehicle height. When trucks susceptible to rollover or jackknifing were encountered, flashers were activated to warn drivers to reduce speed.

  • Food inspection

Perfect quality control of food becomes more and more a matter of course. Foreign materialslike pieces of rocks, insects, plastics, carton etc. have to be identified and sorted out. Up to now, high-speed automatic
sorting machines work usually on the basis of visual inspection, not near-infrared inspection.
This article describes how an in-line food sorting system can be developed on the basis of hyperspectral imaging data. We focus on analyzing the vast amount of data to yield minimum band
selection with optimal classification results required for an industrial sorter

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