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Short-wave infrared (SWIR) cameras open up numerous possibilities for machine vision solutions, since they detect invisible product flaws as well as desired characteristics: In contrast to mainstream machine vision cameras with CCD or CMOS sensors, most SWIR cameras have an InGaAs (Indium Gallium Arsenide) sensor and thus detect wavelengths between 0.9  um and 1.7  um. These wavelengths are invisible to the human eye and CCD or CMOS cameras. Thus, SWIR cameras detect the invisible, for example, water accumulations inside fruits or Defects within silicon products. The SWIR camera applications in several fields such as the semiconductor industry, recycling, metal and glass inspection, and airborne remote sensing. Since some SWIR cameras are mainly designed for use in research facilities, not only the image quality is crucial for industrial applications, but also an industrial rugged design as well as camera features commonly used in machine vision applications.

SWIR cameras help monitor the temperature and cooling
process of glass products during the manufacturing process

Bruised fruit and vegetable can be detected with infrared imaging before the defect
is visible to the bare eye.

The recycling industry uses the specific absorption characteristics of each plastic material in the infrared spectrum to sort waste more precisely and efficiently


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